So.. I got nothing interesting going on today. I figure well I'll just tell you my daily (ok, more like Monday Wednesday Friday) routine is like. So I wake up at 6 am and turn on the water heater. Eat breakfast, maybe read the news or chat on facebook (okay yeah more than likely faebook). Take a shower, get dressed, drink my malaria pill, and then walk around my room asking SiNae if she's seen my [insert object name here]. Say bye to G and Katty if they haven't left yet and go around 7.15 at the latest.
Now, my first class of the day is Kiswahili at 8 am. It takes about 30 minutes to walk from our apartment to the class at AU Abroad office. It's a pretty nice walk though! So we talk a 15 minute walks down Rhapta Road towards Mombasa Road/the round about. But then, right before the round about I take a right down a dirt road that clear has a sigh that says ROAD CLOSED. But that's okay, it's just you know.. people with heavy machinery paving a road and such. There's no way you are going to fall or anything like that. After that, we cross the (according to Katty) Scary Ass Bridge that's basically made with planks with pretty huge gaps in between. It's totally okay. Then at the end of the bridge I'll say hi to Joel, the shack owner/my mandazi guy. Joel refuses to speak english with me because he thinks it will help me learn Swahili. Then we took a left turn then somehow see the office.
On Friday, I stay there until 1 but on MW I go home before my class at USIU. On MW, on my way back I usually buy Mandazi or Donut from Joel. He is really nice, sometimes he gives me a free Mandazi. Around 11.30-11.45 I usually leave the apartment again with SiNae to go to USIU. Follow the same road again to Mombasa road, stop by Rajasa, my fruit guy to get pineapple slices or banana then catch a matatu to Jivanji. After that it's just you know, whatever, cross the road get to the USIU shuttle, try to get busy in my own little world or look at Ameiva. After class, I either follow the route back or catch matatu 48 to town. So that's my pretty lackluster routine :)
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