Long time no speak. So this Friday we presented our final projects and several of us (including yours truly) did creative projects. This post is going to summarize all of the projects and the following posts will consist of their actual projects that you can comment on and enjoy :) So, Twende!
First, we have Brianna Kelley or best known as BeeKay, BK, or Beaky.
She is an SOC sophomore at AU, involved in the Rugby team, and uh... what else? Anyway the theme of her research is to explore the romantic relationship and through that project she found the nature of abusive relationship in Kenya that is protrected by the culture. For her final project she made a very satirical guidebook for dummy about "How to Beat Up Your Girlfriend/Wife" You are going to laugh and feel really sad about this topic because let's face it, a lot of countries face similar issue. So, drop some love on her project. She would LOVE to hear your feedback.
Second, we got Matthew Zonis or Matt.
Matt is an International Studies with a focus on environmental politics in SIS, he's in TKE, and generally pretty chill. He made a poetry anthology called "Bamboozle." The anthology is very different in a way that it explores Nairobi from both the point of view of a Mzungu and Kenyan. Some of the titles are a bit.. different. So read with an open mind and leave comments on his anthology!
Third, I would like to introduce Brianna Musselman, or Bri.
She observed the impact of slum tourism on the community development. In order to capture what actually happenned during slum tourism and how little impact it has, she made a very sarcastic flyer about her imaginary slum tourism business.
So I am going to keep updating this as more projects coming in from my friends!
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